Universal Analytics for Yahoo! Small Business

Gain powerful insight into your online store's web traffic with our cutting-edge implementation of Universal Analytics for Yahoo! Small Business.


Universal Analytics

Implemented for next version Universal Analytics from Google.

No monthly fees

Pay just one-time set-up fee to uncover full potential of Google Analytics on your online store

Tailored to Yahoo! stores

Our GA solution was specifically designed to cater to the requirements and the caveats of Yahoo! Small Business platform

Basic Package

  • Installation
  • Goal & funnel Setup
  • Checkout pages standard events
  • Current solution backup
Was: $249.00
Now: $199.00

Custom Package

  • Base package
  • Multiple sites analytics
  • Extended UI events
  • Advanced checkout events
  • Custom floating cart
  • Custom site variables

Quote will start from base price.

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Asynchronous code

More accurate and robust analytics data gathering

Cross-domain tracking capability

Trace customer session all the way to the checkout and confirmation page. You will then be able to identify which traffic sources are driving revenue

No-cookie solution

Track visitors to your website even when browsers like Safari and Firefox block 3rd party cookies

Social Networking Site integration

Track Facebook Likes and Pinterests. Cross-reference that information with demographics data

Flexible reporting

Tag your products with keywords for better and flexible reporting

Leverage Funnels

Spot problems during the sale transaction

Integration with mini-carts

Accurate data gathering even if your store uses Yahoo Floating Cart or any other 3rd-party mini-carts

Internal site search analytics

Know when, what, and who is searching on your website using Yahoo site search

GA Events and Custom Variables tracking

Get even more detailed insight into visitors activity on your website.